
Showing posts from December, 2020


We have to be visible. We should not be ashamed of who we are. We have to show the world that we are numerous. There are many of us out there. "  - Sylvia Rivera GENDER IS NOT BIOLOGICAL Our anatomy can never define our gender. Our society strictly views gender as two binary pigeonholes – male and female, depending upon their anatomy at birth. But this stiff way of categorizing gender is far from true. Gender cannot be biologically determined. The relation between our gender and our body are beyond our reproductive functions.   SEX AND GENDER Even though the terms sex and gender are used interchangeably, their meanings differ significantly. A person’s sex is assigned to them at the time of their birth by doctors. Sex is therefore biologically defined and it depends on genes and X and Y chromosomes. The sex of person with XX chromosomes is female and that of a person with XY chromosomes is male. Whereas g ender refers to the socially constructed  norms, role...